Anger management:
Crawley and East Grinstead, West Sussex
Anger Management Crawley and East Grinstead
Anger Counselling and Stress Counselling /Psychotherapy
I have had many years experience, working in Crawley and East Grinstead, counselling people with Anger and stress issues. As I’m sure you know, anger is perfectly healthy and a basic emotion.
If you are a parent, you would know, that even the tiniest baby can get angry; it is part of being human. Anger takes many forms, from mild irritation to wild rage, and all points in between. We get angry at people, irritated by objects, institutions or any random happening. Similar to all emotions, anger affects your basic physiological level, blood pressure, heart rate and increased muscle tension, when you feel on edge. Problems can occur when the anger becomes uncontrolled and un-controllable. As I’m sure you know, anger is perfectly reasonable and a fundamental emotion. I’m sure you know, if you are a parent, that even the tiniest baby can get angry; it is part of being human.
Forms of Anger
Anger takes many forms, from mild irritation to wild rage, and all points in between. We get angry at people, irritated by objects, institutions or any random happening. Similar to all emotions, anger affects your basic physiological level, blood pressure, heart rate and increased muscle tension, when you feel on edge. Problems can occur when the anger becomes uncontrolled and uncontrollable.
Do I have problems with anger?
Anger is on a spectrum, mild annoyance to uncontrollable rage. A clinical disorder, something that needs professional help, would be on the extreme end of this spectrum. This is where anger management counselling can help. Something to bear in mind is is that there is actually no such thing as an anger disorder. Generally speaking, Extreme anger tends to be rooted in other problems or symptoms. When it spills over into violence or violent outbursts, it then becomes a problem, for you and others around you and all too often loved ones get the brunt of violent explode.
How common are anger problems?
- 45% regularly lose their temper at work.
- Over 80% of British drivers have been involved in road rage incidents.
- One in 20 has had verbal or physical fights with their neighbours.
- 20% of Britons have behaved aggressively while shopping (This figure rises to 33% for young people)
- A problem with our computers has prompted half of us to hit the machines (a subject of many YouTube videos), throw things around, such as keyboards, and shout at colleagues.
Most of us express anger by yelling and screaming, 50% do this, but only 5% of people get physically aggressive when they are angry. Men and women get angry, just about as often as each other, but men’s reactions tend to be extreme. Men are much more likely to fly into fits of rage.
How can Counselling/psychotherapy help?
Anger can often be the evidence of other problems. Counselling/psychotherapy has been found to help greatly the underlying issues which cause rage and violent outbursts. Counselling/psychotherapy can help you understand the triggers which cause you to be angry and help you to live a happy and fulfilled life. Eleos counselling is part of an international franchise (citizen anger management). As part of this franchise, we offer a six-session anger management program which utilises formal and online learning to help you tame your anger.
Do I have problems with anger?
Anger is on a spectrum, mild annoyance to uncontrollable rage. A clinical disorder, something that needs professional help, would be on the extreme end of this spectrum. This is where anger management counselling can help. An interesting point is that there is no such thing as an anger disorder; Extreme anger tends to be rooted in other problems or symptoms. When it spills over into violence or violent outbursts, it then becomes a problem, for you and others around you and all too often loved ones get the brunt of violent explode.
How common are anger problems?
- 45% regularly lose their temper at work.
- Over 80% of British drivers have been involved in road rage incidents.
- One in 20 has had verbal or physical fights with their neighbours.
- 20% of Britons have behaved aggressively while shopping (This figure rises to 33% for young people)
- A problem with our computers has prompted half of us to hit the machines (a subject of many YouTube videos), throw things around, such as keyboards, and shout at colleagues.
Most of us express anger by yelling and screaming, 50% do this, but only 5% of people actually get physically aggressive, when they are angry. Men and women get angry, just about as often as each other, but men’s reactions tend to be extreme. Men are much more likely to fly into fits of rage.
Useful links:
Useful website for people dealing with anger issues.
BBC website:
Photo by kinkate from Pexels
What is Anger Management?
Anger, which causes you, or someone close, to you problems, is never easy to admit to but if you’re angry outbursts are causing you to lose friends, jobs, business opportunities or damage relationships you may have a problem.
Anger and rages can be seen as a shotgun going off spraying damage and pain over all who come into contact with the angry person’s anger or rage. At Eleos counselling we have many years helping people with anger issues in the Crawley and Horsham and East Grinstead area. We offer a unique anger management program, where you will learn to manage your anger and express it in an appropriate way without losing your temper.
If you would like to know, more you can click on one of the local links in the side menu, and you will go to a unique page for your area. Click Horsham or Crawley & East Grinstead.
One of the exclusive features Eleos counselling offers is that you can now book your own appointments online so that you can choose a time for your session, which is convenient for you. Just go to the bottom of the page and press the book now button.
Contact Us
F6 Worth Corner,
Business Centre,
Turners Hill Road,
Pound Hill, Crawley
RH10 7SL
Phone: (01403)217300
or (01293) 882210
Mobile: 07854602050
I don’t get so angry and now know how to react when I feel angry now working on my future with my partner not living in the past.
How can Counselling/psychotherapy help?
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Please get into contact today should you require our counselling services.
About Eleos
I specialise in creating an environment, that allows you to discover and understand who you are is an individual, who you are in context to relationships, and how you interact with others. We work together to change unhelpful patterns of the behaviour in order to have the relationships and life you want.
More Info
F6 Worth Corner, Business Centre
Turners Hill Road
Pound Hill, Crawley
RH10 7SL
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Eleos Counselling Ltd trading as Eleos Counselling
UK Registered Company 10964914